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<contact name here>
Sunset Bisonettes
2120 W Jefferson Blvd.
Dallas, Texas 75228
Dear Ms. _____,
Thanks for your interest in Avon Fundraising. As you can see from the contents
of this folder, Avon is an excellent way for the__________ to raise money. Enclosed you will find examples of the three different
types of Avon Fundraisers you may choose (the products and prices featured may be different at the time you conduct your fundraiser):
- A special fundraiser mini brochure, with a built-in Customer Order Form,
featuring nationally known beauty products;
- A simple single-page flyer, featuring easy-to-sell products on one side
and an order form on the other.
Each of these selling vehicles has been used successfully to raise money
by organizations just the Bisonettes. In this folder, you'll see success stories from groups across the country who have sponsored
Avon Fundraisers.
The Earnings Chart demonstrates both:
- how many participants selling just $15 to 10 Customers you need to reach
your goal;
- if you know how many participants you'have, how much you can expect to
earn with every participant selling just $15 to just 10 Customers.
There is also information on sales tax exempt status. If you are sales
tax exempt, it's a great incentive for your prospective Customers to order more and save on taxes!
The enclosed Collection Envelope provides participants with all the selling
information right on the back, minimizing the amount of paper they have to handle.
If you are interested in offering prizes for the largest orders, I can
show you inexpensive Avon products that would be suitable, or you can contact local merchants for donations. A sample letter
asking for prize donations is also included in this packet.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me. I am looking
forward to working with you and the Bisonettes on an Avon Fundraiser, and I'll be contacting you within the coming week.
Thank you again for your interest.
Your Name
Avon Independent Sales Representative
(and former Bisonette)
your email addy